Friday, June 1, 2012

Platform for Users of Medical Area 22

Platform for Users of Medical Area 22
(Based in Orihuela Costa)
We are a voluntary organisation, whose main purpose is to encourage the Valencian Authorities to improve the provision of healthcare, and related services within Medical Area 22, and indeed within the entire Valencian Community, on behalf all residents of all nationalities.
Our fundamental belief is that by acting together, we can make a difference. We can press for improvements in our health services, quicker access to social services, and we can lobby for changes. If we do nothing then nothing will change.
We are a non political organisation, funded from voluntary contributions, plus a little advertising revenue from this our website.
If you want to improve the place where you live, the PUMA22 Association (just a few people) needs your active support. If you can help in any way, from fund raising, to organising and demonstrating, please contact

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