Sunday, June 10, 2012

Madrid’s culinary revolution

On top of all that, the formally unapologetic bastion of meat is experiencing an infusion of vegetarian and vegan cuisine. And umpteen international restaurants have opened in recent years, with gastronomic diversity that spans from Asia to the Middle East and from North Africa to South America.
For centuries, Madrid survived on simple, hearty dishes built for harsh winters and blistering summers, such as cocido a la madrilène, a chickpea-based hotpot, and callos a la madrilène, a tripe-based dish with chorizo, suckling pig and cow hoof and snout. But thanks to the constant migration of outsiders, la cocina madriléña (the cuisine of Madrid) has slowly evolved over the years, resulting in a diversity of  culinary traditions from all over Spain, a proliferation of late-night tapas bars and increased sophistication of the city’s gastronomic offerings.

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